If you find yourself at a crossroads, unsure of your next steps professionally or personally, coaching and consulting can provide just the support you need to reach your full potential. 

As a coach and consultant, I partner with individuals and organizations to help determine what success looks like, on your terms. 

Then I support you as you figure out what changes to make, what steps to take.

For organizations, I offer:

  • Executive Coaching

  • Leadership Development

  • Practical Strategic Planning


For individuals, I offer:

  • Integrated Work/Life Structures

  • Personal Purpose Planning

  • Career Development and Planning

  • Stress Management

  • Self-Care and Resiliency


Case Study

Luke found that even with steady promotions and raises, satisfaction eluded him in corporate PR. The longer he followed conventional wisdom to stay on the career path he had chosen, the more he felt he had hit a wall.

To read about how Luke moved forward with the help of coaching, click here.

 Case Study

Potential Energy recognized the need to expand its funder network, which meant revisiting its brand and addressing organizational capacity issues.

To read about how Potential Energy moved forward with the help of consulting and coaching, click here.